This would make sense in that the night vision helmets can be bulky and heavy. And even though night vision goggle technology has advanced quickly over the decade, even more impressive would be night vision contacts.
Really advanced, unknown technology would first be in use by the military. Based on the stealth helicopters Seal Team 6 were found to zip around in, it wouldn't be surprising if they had access to some more elusive technological toys.
Questions arise however, as to the feasibility of contact lenses for military night vision.
Contacts couldn't provide the panoramic vision necessary when you are in defense and offense modes. Whereas, the typical night vision equipment used in the military would factor that into the equation. And how about adjustment to sudden lighting changes, to say the least?
If night vision contacts somehow do exist, it just doesn't sound practical for soldiers to be wearing night vision contact lenses in combat.
As cool as all this spy stuff sounds, with contact lenses for military night vision - you can't really grab your eye drops when you need them.